Merry Movies | Please Rewind

Merry Movies screenshot

Each year, we always say we want to send out a Christmas card, but we never get around to doing it. So this year we decided to try and do something a little different. We hope you all enjoy at least one of the movies. We wish you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season.

We hope you enjoy our spin on the traditional Christmas advent calendar. Each day, another of our favorite holiday movies are revealed. Watch a new holiday movie everyday! (Or when time allows, because really, who has time to watch a movie every day?)

We used SmolCSS to help with the layouts/components. Also, as usual, a shoutout to Ryan Mulligan for being our CSS sherpa. His blog post on horizontal scrolling really helped with the mobile version of the site.

This project was built with Astro 3.0. I wanted to mess around with the view transitions API, and it turns out its pretty easy to work with. There are still some little glitches I see, but I’m pretty excited to see what else can be built with them. I also wanted to try and build this using minimal javascript and just focus on HTML and CSS. It’s really just the date and some conditional rendering.